Thursday, May 25, 2006

Home again... and the issue of trust...

I made it home - and on time despite a flight delay! Very sweet!

It was also nice to see some comments on my postings. One of them, from Chicago-sexbox, mentioned that he has a difficult time trusting his partners. I think many of us do, at least to some degree. Trust isn't an emotion, not like love. Trust is an action. You trust or don't trust based on a concious decision based on the information you have on a particular person at a particular time in a particular circumstance. Trust is not static - it evolves over time.

Don't base your trust in a partner based on previous relationships - it will spell disaster if you do. If you have trust issues with a partner, talk to him about it and see what you both can do to strengthen that aspect of your mutual bond.

I have my own issues with trust, so I know that it is hard not to remember how you were hurt in the past. Remember your past as a guide to the future, but don't let it rule your future....


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