Thursday, May 25, 2006


OK - so I am at the airport - it's noon - waiting to board a one o'clock flight. It's no big deal, at least I have a membership to the airline club, so there is some amount of comfort involved. But... I know the weather at home isn't supposed to be great this afternoon, and I swear, if somenbody sneezes at O'Hare, flights get delayed. Several flights this morning have already been delayed, so I anticipate being here at least an hour beyond the scheduled departure time.

So how much of life is spent waiting? I don't mind waiting for a flight - as long as it actually leaves... but waiting for other things - like counts - that can be stressful. I guess the trick is to take it as it comes and go from there. Seasoned veterans at this - I imagine that they all take it in stride. It's something I need some practice with. I am a fairly patient person in most respects. As long as things go as I expect them to, I have no doubt that this all will become old hat.

I play darts tonight with the guys. I am hoping that we can show off a little bit more than we have over the last several weeks. It would be nice to actually live up to what I believe our potentials are. I would like to get some practice in before playing, but the ex took the dartboard with him, and I don't know that I want to lay out cash for a new one. (If anything bothers me about him - he took the crap he wanted and expects me to deal with the crap he doesn't.) Ah well...

My bed is made, the apartment is clean and the cats are behaving themselves while I am gone. The cats were having problems with the ex as well. They were having 'accidents' the last several months while the ex was living there. Those 'accidents' mysteriously resolved after he moved out. I don't know what he was doing to them, but the cats are happy to have him gone. Knowing him - don't want to think about how he must have been torturing them. Anybody who can make an animal that miserable - says a lot about the person.

But my original point - a comfortable home and a comfortable bed. It will be so nice to be in it tonight!


At 10:29 AM, Blogger L said...


first of all, i would like to say that you seemed like a positive person. having HIV doesn't seemed to have any negative impact on you. secondly, i wish you well and stay happy always!

don't give up hope!(like you will) :)

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Hi Faye! Thanks for calling me a 'positive' person ;)
That gave me a chuckle!
But nice to meet you - it was nice to read the comment after a long day of travel. Always nice to have a smile waiting for me when I get home.



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