Thursday, May 25, 2006

On my way home...

I am feeling good - hoping that the weather in Chicago is decent enough so that my flight won't be delayed too much. I can't really think of too much going on this morning, other that the normal packing and making sure I've not forgotten anything.

The plan for the holiday weekend is to get together with friends, go out, have some fun. You know - nothing out of the ordinary. I guess I will be trying to prepare mentally for the next set of blood counts. I am trying to be optimistic while being realistic at the same time. Not an easy task.

I think that there is something to be said for positive visualization - 'daydreaming' about what you want the results to be. There are those that think that the body will try to match what you want the results to be. So many people expect the worst and perseverate on that outcome - how surprising is it that they get bad news?

Certainly, medicines offered today moderate that effect because they are so powerful. But - as you all know - I would rather avoid the powerful medicines as much as possible.

Ah - but anyway - I am looking forward to being home. I understand the weather is supposed to be nice and warm this coming weekend! Something to look forward to!


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