Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today is better

I slept well last night for the 1st time in a week. I also had a decent meal for a change. It's made for a morning that seems much better, a little brighter in a mental sense.

I still don't know a lot about what is going to happen with my work PC. I will either be getting a new one, or if the motherboard on order comes in first, the old one repaired. In any case, The only means of blogging or chatting is to come into work early and write a few things down.

I called my HIV doctor yesterday and left a message - hoping that he would phone in my prescriptions for the anti-retrovirals. My local pharmacy is a nationwide chain, so if they are on file in Chicago - I can pick them up pretty much where ever on the road. It would at least give me some peace of mind that I would never be far away from the meds, if I would happen to forget them back home.

There are other people here in the office now, so continuing to write at this moment isn't as easy as I would like. Suffice it to say, today is better.


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