Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Hell of 6-6-06

Man - what a day! I seriously was beginning to feel cursed...

My hotel didn't have hot water OR air conditioning that worked. I didn't sleep well, because let's face it - Houston is HOT. Stumbling around in the morning, I managed to spill a can of soda onto my laptop - of course it's dead now.

I had to run up to Dallas to my corporate office to start the process of getting a new laptop. I am hoping they can retrieve all the data that was on the hard drive, if not just switch the hard drive into the new pc.

It was an exuhausting day to be sure. I am currently at the airport accessing a pc here. I will be back in Chicago this afternoon and will be happy as Hell to be home...

I am going to see if I can get the results of my recent blood word early. I don't think it would be good to sit around for 2 days waiting.


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