Thursday, June 01, 2006

More weirdness - but good

I had the blood drawn - so next week I will see what the results are.

In the meantime - I was going through newsletters from a place where I used to work. Why they send me these things I don't know - but I have a hard time throwing them away. I decided to throw some of these things away, but glanced at one of the issues from last year. Who should I see a picture of, but one of the 1st guys I ever dated! Strange. But it made me smile. Seeing him brought back some memories of when I was 1st coming out - and how much things have changed. I mean - c'mon - this was going on - but not quite - 20 years ago. Man that is hard to believe.

I looked up his e-mail and sent him a quick note. Just to say hello, re-connect if only for a moment. It's nice to know that people who have been important to you at points in your life, reappear every now and again. And to see that they are doing well makes it feel great. It brightened a day that was filled with some anxiety.

I do enjoy when things like that happen! It makes me feel like somebody is watching out for me. Hope that doesn't sound too superstitious. ;)

I play darts tonight - so I am looking forward to that. I hope we play well - or at least hold our own!

Be Well


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