Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's just a strange day...

I have decided that I am going in today to get my counts drawn. I was supposed to do it tomorrow, but I play darts tonight and will be out later than usual. I don't want to go in there tired and have it affect my counts - if that is possible, so I will do it today. It is making my mood weird. I want to see a good trend - numbers going in the right way - but I am a little nervous about what will happen if they aren't as good or as stable as I would like. I guess it will mean meds.

In the meantime, work is slow today. I started to watch a movie I rented yesterday called 'Dorian Blues'. I haven't finished it yet - just got back from laundry. But it is uncanny how closely I identify with the title character. If I were a paranoid - I would think these people had cameras trained on me since high school. If the title character gets HIV at the end - I will strongly consider filing a lawsuit.



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