Sunday, May 28, 2006

Looking both ways before crossing the street

I was getting a package from UPS the other day. I stepped across the street to the delivery van and signed for the package. As I was signing, a car went around me and I honestly just turned my head to look. The driver grabbed my shoulder as if I was about to step infront of the car. It makes me chuckle to myself, because - after 42 years without any major accidents, I have yet to be hit by a car. But for some reason - whenever I step up to a crossing, people think I am the type of person to run into traffic.

Maybe I look oblivious...

But - I count my blessings. Having people stopping you from stepping into oncoming traffic are better than people who would let you walk into it, or worse - push you into it. ;) I see that people care about me and want me to be well. That makes me feel good. Even strangers like the UPS man show a degree of humanity that warms my heart. The simple acts of kindness and positive regard make me think that maybe humans aren't such a bad species after all...

So many people have been so kind to me these last several weeks. I keep wondering if someone is going to go off on me and let me have it - say things like I deserve what happened to me, or call me ugly names. It hasn't happened yet, and thank god it wasn't my first experience. If it does happen now - I have the experience of having been accepted and supported by so many people, that I would hope it doesn't make a difference. People care. And they will try and protect me from being hurt.

So - if you see me at a street crossing... by all means grab my shoulder. I won't be offended. Hopefully, I can stop you from being hurt as well.

Be Well


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