Thursday, May 18, 2006

One more for today

I am doing better today, doing things that may make a difference. I have decided to re-commit myself to the supplement therapy, at least for now. I have been doing supplements reported to help with HIV infection, and I have noticed some differences, although not specifically with HIV.

The major thing I notice is body changes. My weight, while roughly stable at around 145, now looks to be more lean muscle. I exercise only moderatly, so this is kind of a welcome change. I have dropped inches off my waist to the point where pants don't fit right anymore. And I look good. Mom commented on it this weekend, so I feel good about that.

I am also sleeping more soundly, and my mood - in general mind you - is better. I admit that there are some low times, but they don't last or keep me from doing what needs to be done with work, life etc. Regardless of my next set of counts, there are some supplements that I won't want to give up. But I would need to make sure that they won't interfere with whatever therapy I will be on if it comes to that.

One complaint. One supplement needs to be boiled in coconut milk, since it offers better bioavailability when disolved in a fat. As an RN - I understand this. But jeez - the taste is something awful. I did my research though, and this is how it has to be if the supplement is to have any benefit.

I imagine people asking traditional healthcare workers about this and the strange looks that might result. Mind you, I don't jump into these things blindly. Strong traditional research in highly regarded journals have had great positive things to say about the supplements I am taking - esp as regards anti-HIV activity. I figure - what the hell - nothing I have read indicates that anything about these substances is harmful. So if there is no damage that can be done, the worst thing I am doing is spending money. On the other hand - if they are helpful - then I am avoiding toxic medications for whatever time they keep working.

I am going out tonight to play darts with a group of guys. I am looking forward to it - even though I am not the greatest player in the world. Mind you, I do ok... ;) A few weeks ago I threw a 'hat trick' - that is - I threw 3 bullseyes in one round. I will be honest and state that I was aiming for triple 20 - but - damn - I will take what I can get!!!


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