Monday, June 19, 2006

I was an exchange student in Denmark when I was 18. Something from that experience that I have kept with me all these years is the following poem by Danish poet Piet Hein...

Do remember to forget
Anger, worry and regret
Love while you've got love to give
Live while you've got life to live!

I think this has particular relevance to my life right now, and I find myself repeating it in my head. With everything that has happened, I need to be able to focus on what's important and meaningful in my life. The other things are distractions, serving no useful purpose.

At the same time, I need to be able to identify those things that cause me pain, and learn how to deal with them. The original poem in Danish, states "Husker at naemer hvad der gaelder" which translates to - remember to name what bothers you. It just doesn't translate in a pretty way, so that's why the above poem is the one typically used. The other part of the original Danish states, "Husker at glemmer bagateller" - which reminds me to 'remember to forget the little things'. That's important too.

I guess a large part of wisdom is learning the difference between the two. I hope this experience is teaching me to know that difference.


At 7:29 AM, Blogger ripz said...

Do remember to forget
Anger, worry and regret
Love while you've got love to give
Live while you've got life to live!

An amazing piece...had never come across it before.Was just browsing through and came across your blog. In life, its really the small things that matter and those that we do not care..just vanish into the darkness


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