Friday, June 23, 2006

A doctor visit today...

I went to see my doctor today. He's been my doc off and on since I moved to Chicago, depending on insurance coverage for whoever I was working for at the time.

I mentioned some of the issues that I have had with Sustiva and Truvada since starting them a week ago. Most of the side effects, as I have said here, are pretty easy to manage. The one exception is the anxiety that I get. I knew going into the Sustiva that it made depression and anxiety worse - and I have to say, it made me more than a little leery about starting it. I tend to have issues with anxiety - especially over the last 6 months. Normally, the magnolia bark works just great. But the Sustiva just makes it that much more intense. He gave me a prescription for Xanax - so I hope that will get me through this side effect until my body adjusts. The last several days have been ok for anxiety, but I tend to have issues more on weekends for whatever reason. I am glad that it will be here for me.

I really think that the anxiety happens first, and then I get upset about whatever issue is at hand - that becomes the lightening rod for the anxiety. So if I start to get anxious, I look for something to blame it on - and of course, the ex gets a great deal of that. I am hoping that by taking the xanax - I can overcome a lot of those thoughts and get over this once and for all. It just gets to be a vicious circle that I can't seem to break out of easily.

I will let you know how it goes.

As for the other side-effects - they aren't that bad. The dreams are getting less intense and vivid - the stomach discomfort hasn't been noticable today.


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